Tuesday, February 5, 2008

U.S. Faces More Delay on Iran Sanctions

The ever frustrating U.S.-led quest for stepping up economic sanctions on Iran in response to its defiant nuclear stand is poised for yet more delays.

That was the clear implication of remarks today by France's ambassador to the United States, Pierre Vimont, in Washington. France, along with Britain, is a key partner in the diplomatic effort to ratchet up pressure on Iran for refusing to suspend its nuclear work, a move that has been set as a precondition for launching full-on talks on the nuclear issue, security problems in the Persian Gulf, and other political questions with Iran.

Vimont, in remarks to the Middle East Institute, pegged two new sources of delay. First, some of the new, nonpermanent members of the United Nations Security Council are not yet on board with even the relatively mild increase in sanctions that apparently have been agreed to by the United States, France, Britain, Germany, Russia, and China.

"This may take some time," Vimont said. "There is m